Kevin S. Lee

phone mobile 860 861 8817


I am currently pursuing a two-year M.A. in Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology in the CNERS department at UBC.  I work within the department as a teaching assistant.

My research interests are centered around an interweaving of languages, ancient history, and the material record within wider comparative and interdisciplinary frameworks.  Since coming to UBC, I have added an interest in digital humanities and in employing a concert of spatial analysis techniques to recreate in part the phenomenological experience of the ancient world.  My current focus is the analysis of Etruscan cities – their development, layout, and economic networks – within the wider context of urbanism across the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern worlds.

My page at

Kevin S. Lee

phone mobile 860 861 8817


I am currently pursuing a two-year M.A. in Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology in the CNERS department at UBC.  I work within the department as a teaching assistant.

My research interests are centered around an interweaving of languages, ancient history, and the material record within wider comparative and interdisciplinary frameworks.  Since coming to UBC, I have added an interest in digital humanities and in employing a concert of spatial analysis techniques to recreate in part the phenomenological experience of the ancient world.  My current focus is the analysis of Etruscan cities – their development, layout, and economic networks – within the wider context of urbanism across the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern worlds.

My page at

Kevin S. Lee

Research keyboard_arrow_down

I am currently pursuing a two-year M.A. in Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology in the CNERS department at UBC.  I work within the department as a teaching assistant.

My research interests are centered around an interweaving of languages, ancient history, and the material record within wider comparative and interdisciplinary frameworks.  Since coming to UBC, I have added an interest in digital humanities and in employing a concert of spatial analysis techniques to recreate in part the phenomenological experience of the ancient world.  My current focus is the analysis of Etruscan cities – their development, layout, and economic networks – within the wider context of urbanism across the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern worlds.

My page at