Hannah Stengler
The AMNE department is thrilled to congratulate Hannah Stengler on winning the highly competitive Outstanding Student Leader in the Faculty of Arts Award for 2024!
Throughout her many years of service to the Faculty of Arts and its student community, Hannah has worked tirelessly to advocate for her peers. As the former Treasurer and then President of the AMNE Student Association, she played an integral role in establishing and maintaining a number of events, such as professional workshops, fundraisers, and the Accessibility in Academia Initiative, which worked to provide students with academic opportunities that they would not otherwise have been able to pursue.
Going beyond her considerable work with the AMNE Student Association, Hannah served as a Committee Member on the Experiencing Antiquity project and on the Logos Undergraduate Journal as an Editor and Submissions Officer. This year, she was also responsible for co-creating Blogos, an academic online platform held under the Logos team, dedicated to fostering curiosity in the AMNE community for the years to come. Through these many initiatives, Hannah has had an incredible impact on the student community and has created important opportunities for her peers and future students.
In light of these considerable efforts, Hannah has also been awarded the Bhagwan KAUR wife of Gokal Singh of Halwara Award in Arts. This award has been endowed by Ranjit Singh Hall in honour of his mother, Bhagwan Kaur, loving wife of Gokal Singh of Halwara Punjab India for students in the Faculty of Arts who have made a significant contribution to the community or student body.
We are thrilled to see Hannah’s considerable service recognized in these ways, and we hope you will join us in congratulating her!