Ancient Sicily is flavour of the summer in the UK at present. The British Museum is currently showing an exhibition entitled ‘Sicily: culture and conquest’, and the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford has a quite separate one, called ‘Storms, war and shipwrecks: treasures from the Sicilian seas’. CNERS’ Centre for the Study of Ancient Sicily has been active in support of both projects. At an international British Museum conference on June 24th–25th in connection with the former exhibition, Franco De Angelis gave a paper on ‘Greek Sicily: a world apart?’, and Roger Wilson spoke about the UBC excavations of the late Roman villa at Gerace in Enna province, including the results of the recently concluded 2016 season. Both were thanked in the book of the show, edited by Dirk Booms and Peter Higgs. Roger also gave a lunchtime public lecture in the BM on 27th June, attended by 240 people, on the UBC excavations at Punta Secca (Kaukana), while for the Oxford exhibition he also contributed a chapter to the accompanying book, Sicily and the Sea.