The event will take place on Tuesday, March 7th 11:30 am-2:00pm at the Green College Coach House, and is hosted in conjunction with the Green College Leading Scholars Series, “Moving On: New Research on Migration, Borders, and Health” and the Mobilities Research Group at the Centre for Migration Studies. Light refreshments will be served.
The event will include brief talks by Megan Daniels (Assistant Professor, AMNE), Franco De Angelis (Professor, AMNE), Aurora Camaño (PhD student, SFU), and Greg Woolf (Professor, UCLA, and visiting scholar at Green College).
The event description, from Green College’s event page, is as follows: Understanding how (and why) humans have migrated around the globe has proved to be one of the great challenges for the humanities and social sciences. This challenge is demonstrated through the ways in which European scholars conceived of and employed migration as a tool to explain human progress over the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This history of scholarship has had serious consequences for modern ideas about human movement and cultural purity, particularly in light of new scientific tools for modeling and characterizing migrations like isotope analylsis, computational sciences, and genomic sequencing. This book launch will highlight some of these challenges that we continue to face as archaeologists and historians in evolving models that responsibly incorporate method, theory, and data in ways that honour the complexity of human behaviours and relationships. Contributors to this talk include the volume editor, contributing writers, and other scholars working on ancient migration.
More information about the event and its speakers can be found at Green College’s event page.
To purchase Homo Migrans, visit the SUNY Press website.