On behalf of the AMNE Student Association
The AMNE SA is hosting our annual general meeting to talk about all that we accomplished this year, and all of our members are invited!
Our 2023-2024 elections will take place shortly after, where you will have a say in who get’s to run the AMNE SA next year. Not already a member? You can pay at our event to vote, get free pizza and a free round on us at the Wolf and Hound afterwards to celebrate the new executive!
Firstly, you do not need to be an AMNE major or minor. Don’t have experience? That’s totally okay, we all start somewhere and everyone receives training.
There are TONS of reasons why you should run for a position on the AMNE SA. This is an amazing opportunity to:
- Make new friends
- Host creative events to share our interest of the ancient Mediterranean, Egypt, and the Middle East
- Work closely with AMNE Faculty and UBC organizations
- Access to professional development skills
- Looks amazing on a resume for grad school applications and potential employers.
Interested? Check out the positions here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_9OV6OVFv/ and send an email to amne.sa@ubc.ca with any questions, your name, and positions you would like to run for.