AMNE Imagine UBC Schedule 2024

Tuesday September 3, 2024
11:15 AM - 5:30 PM

For most students, Imagine UBC replaces the first day of classes (see details here). It is a great opportunity to learn about the various faculties, departments, student-run initiatives, and extra-curricular opportunities available to you on campus!

The Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies will be hosting/supporting the following three events and activities on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, 2024. Please see below for more information:

1. UBC Arts Faculty Fair:
We’ll be at the Arts Faculty Fair in the Buchanan Courtyard from 11:30am-1:15pm to welcome our first year students with resources and the inside-scoop on what AMNE has to offer! Returning upper-years are also welcome to stop by and say hi… and maybe grab some swag.

2. The Main Event:
Visit hundreds of booths along Main Mall hosted by UBC student groups, clubs, and UBC services. Chat with group representatives, sign up for clubs, or take part in activities throughout the fair. The AMNE Student Association also hosts a booth at the Main Event so be sure to stop by to learn more about programming, upcoming events, and how to get involved.

3. Welcome Back Event: It’s an AMNE Affair
Additionally, we will once again be hosting a welcome back event for our returning majors, minors, honours + prospective students – details below:
Time: 4:30pm to 5:30pm
Location: IKBL 155
Join the Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies this Imagine Day for an afternoon of FUN. Dazzle us with your knowledge or share a laugh during our Trivia Contest (+ prizes!), mingle with fellow students and get to know the faculty. This event is open to anyone studying with AMNE or interested in learning more. We hope to see you there!